Take a closer look into Coach's messages relating to Black History Month and how they relate to the Bible. Also, make sure to check out the artwork of Rosa Parks, Lloyd Barbee, Martin Luther King Jr. and more in the gallery!

Listen to an Inspiring "Message From The Sauna" about Rosa Parks and how she relates to Abraham from the Bible

About Coach & GRAS Ministries
Coach Lance Meyer is a 1994 Graduate of Wisconsin Lutheran College. After 25 years as a Called Worker serving as a Principal, Athletic Director, Teacher, Youth Minister, Coach, and Mentor, in 2020 Coach Meyer was in 3 comas and diagnosed with a rare disease called Hashimotos Encephalaphothy. On August 22, 2020 Coach Lance Meyer launched GRAS Ministries. Learn More by clicking recent WLC Article.
January 2025
Coach held a winter bottle painting night at Fairview Lutheran in Milwaukee!

January 2025
In January, Coach made and hand delivered a painting for Up Christian Academy in Milwaukee!
January 2025
Also in January, Coach did a Winter Wonderland Paint with GRACE Lutheran in Waukesha!

January 2025
Coach traveled to Beaver Dam for an art show! Check out the video for a behind-the-scencs insight!
A Word From Coach
I have been very blessed in my lifetime, despite some serious health issues and many bumps along the way. As the Son of the "Iceman" Kent Meyer, "Watercolorist" Kay Meyer, and husband of Carrie Meyer there is no question that my life and recovery from Hashimotos Encephalaphathy despite having some significant challenges has been full of blessings and opportunities for unique ministry and connection.
Art has been an amazing avenue for personal therapy, growth, and opportunity for building an unique ministry. Matt Tommey and his team at Created to Thrive have helped me rebuild my life by focusing on God's IDEAL in my life. This includes reexamining my own Identity, really leaning into my Design as a Creative, Embracing Expansion and a #getBETTER mindset, Alignment that is in line with Scripture and works to build strong relationships with other people and organizations. Finally Love has been the center of all I do in GRAS Ministries. This IDEAL acronym has become a way of life.
So thankful for the opportunity to use a paint brush to enhance my own life and truly change the world eternally.